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                The Knife Gate Valve provides reliable shut-off for both dry and wet line fluids. The bonnet-less valve is equipped with a heavy-duty gate to cut though sediments – and is ideally suited for abrasive slurries, pulp stock, semi-solids, dry ash, chips, etc. The valves find application in paper and pulp, minerals and metals, steel plants, thermal power plants and chemical/ petrochemical industries.

                Compliance Standards 

                • Valve Design: MSS SP 81

                 • Wall Thickness: ANSI B16.34

                 • Face-to-Face: MSS SP 81

                 • Flange Dimensions: ANSI B16.5 

                • Testing Standard: MSS SP 151 


                Salient Features

                 • Sharp heavy-duty knife edge at the bottom of gate cuts through solid sediments and ensures reliable shut-off 

                • Gate offered with surface coatings based on customer demand - Hardfacing, Nitriding, Chrome-plating

                 • Replaceable seats - Easy maintenance at site. Longer service life 

                • Low operating torque - Facilitates use of a smallersize actuators. Lower Initial Investment.


